Philadelphia ARES Glossary
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Acronym's, Abbreviations, and Glossary
related to emergency radio communications.
A - B - C - D - E - F
- G - H - I - J - K - L
- M - N - O - P - Q - R
- S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
1O's - 100% Operational {LCARES}
AAR - After Action Report (Review)
ACARS - Aircraft Communication and Reporting System
ACS - (Pennsylvania) Auxiliary Communications Services {PEMA}
ACU - ARES Communications Unit {LCARES}
AEC - Assistant Emergency Coordinator {ARRL}
ALE - Automatic Link Establishment
ALS - Advanced Life Support
Amb - Ambulance
AMBER - America's Missing Broadcast Emergency Response {FCC}
AMTOR - Amateur Teleprinting Over Radio
ANWC - Alternate National Warning Center (see NWC)
AO - Area of Operations
AOR - Area of Responsibility
APCO - Association of Public-Safety Communication Officials
APRS - Automatic Position Reporting System
ARC - American Red Cross
ARCARS - American Red Cross Amateur Radio Service
ARCC - Area Repeater Coordination Council
ARCT - Amateur Radio Communications Team
ARDF - Amateur Radio Direction Finding
ARDC - ARES / RACES of Delaware County
ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Services
ARESMAT - ARES Mutual Assistance Team
ARRL - American Radio Relay League
ASPR - Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response {DHS}
ASR - ARES Single Resource {LCARES}
AUXCOMM - Auxiliary Communications
AUXFOG - Auxiliary Field Operations Guide
BATF - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
BBS - (electronic) Bulletin Board Service
BCARES - Bucks County ARES
BI - Background Investigation
BLEVE - Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion
BLS - Basic Life Support
B-NICE - Five categories of terrorist incidents: Biological, Nuclear, Incendiary, Chemical and Explosives.
BT - Bioterrorism
C3I - Communications, Command, Control and Intelligence
C/B-RRT - Chemical/Biological-Rapid Response Team
CAP - Civil Air Patrol
CASM - Communications Asset Survey and Mapping tool {DHS}
CB - Citizens Band (27Mhz radio service)
CCAR - Chester County ARES/RACES
CD - Communicable Disease
CDAA - Circulary Disposed Antenna Array
CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
CDP - Center for Domestic Preparedness
CERT - Community Emergency Response (Readiness) Team
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
CHEMTREC - CHEMical TRansportation Emergency Center - Hazmat Information Center 1-800-424-9300 (Available 24 hours)
CHRIS - Chemical Hazard Response Information System {USCG}
CIRG - Critical Incident Response Group {FBI}
CNB - Chemical, Nuclear, Biological
CO - Commanding Officer
COMEX - Communications Exercise
COMINT - Communication Intelligence
COML - Communication Unit Leader (ICS Position - Logistics Section)
COMSAT - Communication Satellite Corporation
COMSEC - Communications Security
COMT - Incident Communication Technician
CONUS - Continental United States
COOP - Continuity Of OPerations
CP - Command Post
CPR - CardioPulmonary Resuscitation
CSG - Counterterrorism Security Group{NRF}
CST - Communications Strike Team {LCARES}
CTCSS -- Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System. A sub-audible tone system used on some repeaters. Also called PL.
CU - Weapons of Mass Destruction Countermeasures Unit {FBI}
CUI - Controlled Unclassified Information
DARPA - Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DART - Downed Aircraft Rescue Transmitter
DART - Disaster Assistance Response Team
DCS - Digital Coded Squelch
de - Morse code prosign meaning "from"
DEC - District Emergency Coordinator {ARRL}
DECON - Decontamination
DEP - Department of Environmental Protection (PA)
DERA - Disaster and Emergency Response Association
DF - Direction Finding
DFO - Disaster Field Office (Replaced by JFO)
DHHS - Department of Health and Human Services
DHS - Department of Homeland Security
DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency
DMAT - Disaster Medical Assistance Team {USPHS}
DMORT - Disaster Mortuary Response Team {USPHS}
DOC - Department of Commerce
DOD - Department of Defense
DOE - Department of Energy
DOH - Department of Health
DOI - Department of the Interior
DOJ - Department of Justice
DOS - Department of State
DOT - Department of Transportation
DRC - Disaster Recovery Center
DRG - Domestic Readiness Group
DSCA - Defense Support of Civil Authorities
DTMF - Dual Tone Multi Frequency (phone keypad tones)
EAS - Emergency Alert System
EC - Emergency Coordinator {ARRL}
ECC - Emergency Comunications Center
EDT - Eastern Daylight Time
EEI - Essential Elements of Information (Mission)
EFS - Enhanced Fujita Scale
EICC - Emergency Information and Coordination Center {FEMA}
ELINT - Electronic Intelligence
ELT - Emergency Locator Transmitter (downed aircraft locator)
EMA - Emergency Management Agency
EMAC - Emergency Management Assistance Compact (mutual aid between states)
EMCOM / EMCOMM / ECOM- Emergency Communications
EMI - Emergency Management Institute
EMI - Electromagnetic Interference AKA RFI
EMO - Emergency Management Office
EMP - Electromagnetic Interference
EMS - Emergency Medical Service
EMT - Emergency Medical Technician
EMWINS - Emergency Management Weather Information System {NOAA} Satellite Data System
EOC - Emergency Operations Center
EOP - Emergency Operations Plan
EPA - Environmental Protection Agency
EPA - Eastern Pennsylvania Section {ARRL}
EPIRB - Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
ER - Emergency Room
ERT - Emergency Response Team {FBI}
ERT - Environmental Response Team {EPA}
ESAR-VHP - Emergency System for Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals {DHS}
ESF - Emergency Support Functions {NRP}
ESF-2 - Emergency Support Function (Communications) {NRP}
ESMR - Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (communication system in which numerous mobile/portable transceivers are linked in a network of repeaters.
Operating frequencies are UHF. Usually, the working 900 MHz band.)
EST - Eastern Standard Time
ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
ETD - Estimated Time of Departure
FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
FCC - Federal Communications Commission
FCO - Federal Coordinating Officer
FDA - Food and Drug Administration
FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency
FLDIGI - Amateur radio multimode digital modem program available for most operating systems.
FNARS - FEMA National Radio System
FOG - Field Operations Guide
FOUO - For Official Use Only
FRC - Federal Resource Center
FRP - Federal Response Plan
FRS - Family Radio Service (unlicensed)
GETS - Goverment Emergency Telecommunications Service
GMRS - General Mobile Radio Service (licensed)
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time (outdated, replaced by UTC)
GOES - Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (weather satellite)
GPS - Global Positioning System
GSA - General Services Administration
HAZMAT - Hazardous Materials
HEMP - High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse - associated with a upper atmosphere nuclear burst
HERN - Hospital Emergency Radio Network
HFDF - aka HuffDuff - High Frequency Direction Finding
HHS - Health and Human Services
HLT - Hurricane Liason Team
HMIS - Hazardous Materials Identification System
HMRT - Hazardous Materials Response Team
HMRU - Hazardous Materials Response Unit {FBI}
HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (1996) {HHS}
HIRA - Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
HQ - Headquarters
HRT - Hostage Rescue Team {FBI}
HSC - Homeland Security Council
HSEEP - Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
HSIN - Homeland Security Information Network
HSOC - Homeland Security Operations Center {NRP}
HSPD - Homeland Security Presidential Directive
HSPD 5 - "Management of Domestic Incidents"
HSPD 7 - “Critical Infrastructure, Identification, Prioritization, and Protection”
HSPD 8 - “National Preparedness”
HWN - Hurricane Watch Net
IAP - Incident Action Plan
IC - Incident Commander
ICE - Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICE - In Case of Emergency
ICP - Incident Command Post
ICS - Incident Command System (see glossary)
ICTAP - Interoperable Communications Technical Asistance Program {DHS}
IIMG - Interagency Incident Management Group {NRP}
IMT - Incident Management Team - Command and General Staff in an ICS organization.
INCM - Incident Communications Center Manager
INTELSAT - International Telecommunication Satellite
IRLP - Internet Radio Linking Project (similar to EchoLink)
ITU - International Telecommunications Union
JFO - Joint Field Office (Replaced DFO) {NRP}
JIC - Joint Information Center
JIS - Joint Information System {NIMS}
JOC - Joint Operations Center
JSIN - Joint Service Interoperability Net
JTF - Joint Task Force
JTTF - Joint Terrorism Task Force
KT - Knot (nautical miles per hour 1 KT = 1.15 MPH)
LFA - Lead Federal Agency
LNO - Liaison Officer
MAC - Multi-Agency Coordination
MACs - Multi-Agency Coordination Systems
MARS - Military Affiliate (Auxiliary) Radio System
MATF - Multi-Agency Task Force
MB - Millibars (atmospheric pressure)
MERS - Mobile Emergency Response System {FEMA}
MOA - Memorandum of Agreement
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding
MROs - Mass Rescue Operations
MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet
MURS - Multi Use Radio Service (unlicensed)
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NAWAS - National Warning System
NBC - Nuclear, Biological, Chemical
NBEMS - Narrow Band Emergency Messsaging Software
NCP - National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan
NCS - National Comunications System
NCS - Net Control Station
NCTC - National Counterterrorism Center
NDMS - National Disaster Medical System
NDPO - National Domestic Preparedness Office
NECC - National Emergency Coordination Center {FEMA}
NECP - National Emergency Communications Plan {DHS}
NEFRLS - National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System {FEMA}
NEIC - National Earthquake Information Center
NEMP - Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse - from a nuclear detonation that near the surface but not on it.
NEST - Nuclear Emergency Search Team
NEXRAD - NEXt generation RADar - A NWS network of Doppler radars being installed nationwide.
NFA - National Fire Academy
NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
NGB - National Guard Bureau
NGO - Nongovermental Orginization {NRP}
NHC - National Hurricane Center
NICC - National Infrastructure Coordinating Center {NRP}
NIFC - National Interagency Fire Center
NIFOG - National Interoperability Field Operations Guide
NIMS - National Incident Management System (see glossary)
NIPP - National Infrastructure Protection Plan
NIRT - Nuclear Incident Response Team
NJTTF - National Joint Terrorism Task Force {NRP}
NM - Net Manager {NTS}
NMCC - National Military Command Center
NMRT - National Medical Response Team {USPHS}
NNSA - National Nuclear Security Administration {DOE} Renamed from AEC in 2000
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOC - National Operations Center
NORAD - North American Aerospace Defense Command
NPS - National Park Service
NPSPAC - National Public Safety Planning Advisory Committee (Mutual Aid channel management)
NRC - Nuclear Regulatory Commission
NRF - National Response Framework
NRCC - National Response Coordination Center {NRP}
NRP - National Response Plan -
Superseded by the National Response Framework (NRF)
NRT - National Response Team
NSA National Security Agency
NSARC - National Searce and Rescue Committee
NSC - National Security Council
NSF - National Strike Force {USCG}
NSP - National Search and Rescue Plan {NSARC}
NSSE - National Special Security Event {NRP}
NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information Administration
NTS - National Traffic System {ARRL}
NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board
NVIS - Near Vertical Incident Skywave (HF antenna for short range comunications)
NVOAD - National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters
NWC - National Warning Center
NWR - NOAA Weather Radio (In the Philadelphia area 162.475 MHz)
NWS - National Weather Service
OBS - Official Bulletin Station
ODP - Office for Domestic Preparedness {OJP}
OEC - Office of Emergency Communication {DHS}
OEM - Office of Emergency Management (link is for NJ, for PA see PEMA)
OEP - Occupant Emergency Plans
OES - Office of Emergency Services
OJP - Office of Justice Programs {DOJ}
OLIVIA - MFSK mode set, very sensitive under poor conditions.
OPLAN - Operations Plan
OSC - On Scene Coordinator
OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PAO - Public Affairs Officer
PA-STARNET - Pennsylvania Statewide Radio Network
PDA - Preliminary Damage Assessment
PEMA - Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency
PENNDOT - Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
PFD - Philadelphia Fire Department
PIA - Post Incident Analysis
PFO - Principal Federal Official
PIO - Public Information Officer
PL - Motorola Abbreviation for "Private Line". AKA CTCSS
POC - Point of Contact
POTS Line - Plain Old Telephone Service (single analog phone circuit)
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment
PRT - Primary Response Team {LCARES}
PSK31 - Narrow banded digital mode
QM - Quartermaster (supply)
RACES - Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services
RADO - Radio Operator
RCC - Rescue Coordination Center
RDF - Radio Direction Finding
REACT - Radio Emergency Associated Communication Team (usually CB associated)
RECC - Regional Emergency Communications Coordination (Working Group)
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference AKA: EMI
RFI - Request for Information
REACT - Radio Emergency Associated Communications Teams
ROC - Regional Operations Center {FEMA} (Replaced by RRCC)
RRCC - Regional Responce Coordination Center {NRP}
RRT - Regional Response Team or Rapid Response Team
SAA - State Administering Agency
SAC - Special Agent in Charge
SAME - Specific Area Message Encoding (NWS alerts)
SAR - Search and Rescue
SATERN - Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network
SCIP - Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan
SCO - State Coordinating Officer
SEC - Section Emergency Coordinator {ARRL}
SEOC - State EOC
SEPA RTF - Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Task Force (Covers Bucks, Chester, Delaware, and Montgomery Counties, and City of Philadelphia.)
SERVPA - State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Pennsylvania
(An Internet-based system developed and maintained by the Commonwealth allowing for the advance and real-time registration of volunteers for deployment during emergencies or disasters.)
SFLEO - Senior Federal Law Enforcement Official
SGEMP - System Generated Electromagnetic Pulse - usually from within a closed system - could be a power company issue
SHARES - SHAred RESources HF Radio Program
SIGINT - Signal Intelligence
SIOC - Strategic Information and Operations Center {FBI}
SITREP - Situation Report
SLOSH - Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges for Hurricanes
SM - Section Manager {ARRL}
SOG - Standard Operating Guidelines
SOP - Standard Operating Procedures
SREMP - Surface Radiated Electromagnetic Pulse - From an IND or surface nuclear burst device
STM - Section Traffic Manager {NTS}
TD - Tropical Depression
TDS - Time, Distance and Shielding. Three types of protective measures commonly associated with hazardous materials training.
TERT - Telecommunicator Emergency Response Taskforce
THSP - Technical Specialist
TICP - Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan {DHS}
TLA - Three Letter Acronym
TNC - Terminal Node Controler
TS - Tropical Storm
TSA - Transportation Security Agency
TSC - Terrorist Screening Center
TWS - Tsunami Warning System
UASI - Urban Area Security Initiative (DHS region)
UC - Unified Command
USAEC - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USAF - U.S. Air Force
USAR - Urban Search and Rescue
USCG - U.S. Coast Guard
USFA - United States Fire Administration
USGS - United States Geological Survey
USN - U.S. Navy
USNG - United States National Grid
USPHS - United States Public Health Service
USAR - Urban Search and Rescue
USSS - United States Secret Service
UTC - Coordinated Universal Time (Zulu Time, GMT)
VOAD - Voluntary Organizations Assisting in Disasters
WFO - Weather Forecast Office
WMD - Weapons of Mass Destruction
WMDOU - Weapons of Mass Destruction Operations Unit {FBI}
WPS - Wireless Priority Service
WX - Weather
WXSAT - Weather Satellite
Z - Zulu Time (same as UTC)
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N
- O - P - Q - R - S - T - U
- V - W - X - Y - Z
Adcock Array - Antenna array consisting of four equidistant vertical elements which can be used to transmit or receive directional radio signals.
Advisory - Highlights special weather conditions that are less serious than a "warning".
Agency - A division of government with a specific function.
Ambient Temperature - Temperature of the surroundings.
Beaufort Wind Scale - An estimate of wind speed based on how objects (leaves, waves, trees) move.
Bioterrorism - The intentional use of microorganisms, or toxins, to produce death or disease.
Blizzard - Sustained winds or frequent gusts to 35 miles per hour or greater and considerable amounts
of falling or blowing snow (reducing visibility to less than a quarter mile) are expected to prevail for a period of three hours or longer.
Bulletin Station - Station responsible for relaying informational messages to all stations in the net.
Cache - A predetermined complement of tools, equipment, and/or supplies stored in a designated location, available for incident use.
Catastrophic Incident - Any natural or manmade incident, including terrorism, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties,
damage, or disruption severely affecting the population, infrastructure, environment, economy, national morale, and/or government functions.
Caustic Material - A substance capable of destroying or eating away living tissue.
Chain of Command - A series of command, control, executive, or management positions in hierarchical order of authority.
Clear Text - The use of plain English in radio communication transmissions. No ten-codes, Q-codes, or agency specific codes to be used.
Collapse - Accident involving the collapse of building or structure.
Combustible - Substance that catches fire and burns easily.
Communication Unit - An organizational Unit in the Logistics Section responsible for providing communication services at an incident.
A Communication Unit may also be a facility (e.g., a trailer or mobile van) used to provide the major part of an Incident Communications Center.
Consequence Management - The response to a disaster, focusing on alleviating damage, loss, hardship or suffering.
Convective storm - A type of meteorological hazard generated by the heating of air and the availability of moist and unstable air masses.
Convective storms range from localised thunderstorms (with heavy rain and/or hail, lightning, high winds, tornadoes) to meso-scale, multi-day events.
Corrosive - Any material which causes visible damage or irreversible alteration of human tissue at the site of contact or causes metals or
plastics to corrode at a rapid rate.
Crisis Management - Measures to identify, acquire, and plan the use of resources needed to anticipate, prevent, and/or resolve a threat or act.
Cyclone - an area of low atmospheric pressure characterized by inward spiraling winds that rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere.
Generic term for a rotating storm.
Demobilization - The orderly, safe, and efficient return of a resource to its original location and status.
Derechos - A widespread and long lived windstorm that is associated
with a band of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms.
Digipeater - Digital Repeater, usually packet, also APRS
Disaster - A catastrophic event that exceeds the ability of the community to cope. ("Community" may be anything from a household to a planet;
disasters can occur on different scales.)
Doppler Radar - Radar that can measure radial velocity (i.e., toward or away from the radar antenna).
Downburst - A strong downdraft with an outrush of damaging wind on or near the ground.
EchoLink - Amateur Radio stations linked using VoIP
Enhanced Fujita Scale - The EF scale takes into account more variables when assigning a wind speed rating to a tornado.
Emergency - An event requiring quick action to avoid serious consequences.
Emergency traffic - Messages with life and death urgency or requests for medical help and supplies.
Epicentre - Point on the earth’s surface directly above the place of origin (i.e. focus, or hypocenter) of an earthquake.
Eye - The usually "calm" center of a hurricane.
Event - A planned non-emergency activity. e.g., parades, walk-a-thons.
Extra-tropical Storm - A type of low-pressure cyclonic system in the middle and high latitudes (also called mid-latitude cyclone)
that primarily gets its energy from the horizontal temperature contrasts (fronts) in the atmosphere. When associated with cold fronts,
extratropical cyclones may be particularly damaging (e.g. European winter/windstorm, Nor’easter).
First Responder - First trained personel or team to arrive on scene (police, fire, EMS).
Flash Flood - Rapid rise in water, usually within 12 hours of a heavy rain or other action.
Formal Messages - Written messages that are sent in a standardized format.
Fox Hunts - Amateur radio direction finding as a contest.
Fujita Tornado Scale - Relative estimate of tornado wind speed. F0-F5. The
Enhanced Fujita Scale is now used.
Funnel Cloud - A rotating cone-shaped column of air extending downward from the base of a thunderstorm, but not in contact with the ground. Not a tornado.
Fusion Center - Facility that brings together into one central location law enforcement, intelligence, emergency management,
public health, and other agencies including NGO's
Geomagnetic Storm - A type of extraterrestrial hazard caused by solar wind shockwaves that temporarily disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere.
Geomagnetic storms can disrupt power grids, spacecraft operations, and satellite communications.
Gust front - A boundary that separates a cold downdraft of a thunderstorm from warm, humid surface air.
Hazardous Chemical - Any chemical which is a physical or health hazard.
HazMat - Hazardous Materials (substances which are a physical or health hazard)
Health and Welfare Traffic - Messages about the well being of individuals in a disaster area.
Helibase - A location within the general incident area for parking, fueling, maintenance and loading of helicopters.
Helispot - A location where a helicopter can take off and land.
Hot Zone -The area immediately around the incident site. Appropriate protective clothing and equipment must be worn by all personnel in the Hot Zone.
Awareness Level and Operational Level trained personnel are not permitted in the Hot Zone.
Hurricane - A severe tropical cyclone with sustained wind speeds in excess of 74 mph.
Hurricane Season - In the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico runs from June 1 to November 30.
Hydrological Hazard - A hazard caused by the occurrence, movement, and distribution of surface and subsurface freshwater and saltwater.
Ice Jam Flood - The accumulation of floating ice restricting or blocking a river’s flow and drainage.
Ice jams tend to develop near river bends and obstructions (e.g. bridges).
Incident - An occurrence or event, either human caused or natural phenomena, that requires action by emergency service personnel
to prevent or minimize loss of life or damage to property and or natural resources.
Incident Command Post - That location at which the primary command functions are executed.
Incident Command System - An ICS is based upon a flexible, standard, scalable response organization providing a common framework within which people can work together effectively.
Incident Commander - The individual responsible for the management of all incident operations.
Incident Communication Center - The location of the Communications Unit and the Message Center.
Informal (Tactical) Messages - Brief verbal or informal written messages, intended for direct and immediate delivery.
Irritant - A substance that causes a reversible inflammatory response.
Jurisdiction - A range or sphere of authority.
Landline - Telephone communication (not cellular)
Legal Responsible Authority - The official and/or agency having legal responsibility for the emergency response to a SAR or disaster incident.
Liaison Station - A station responsible for passing messages between different nets.
Liquefaction - The transformation of (partially) water-saturated soil from a solid state to a liquid state caused by an earthquake.
Liquefaction reduces the strength and sti?ness of soil causing buildings to topple over.
Macroburst - A downburst with a diameter greater than 2.5 miles.
Message Center - The Message Center is part of the Incident Communications Center and is collocated or placed adjacent to it. It receives, records,
and routes information about resources reporting to the incident, resource status, and administrative and tactical traffic.
Microburst - A downburst with a diameter less than 2.5 miles.
National Incident Management System (NIMS) is a system used in the United States to coordinate emergency preparedness
and incident management among various federal, state, and local agencies.
Nautical Mile - 1,852 meters
Net - A group of stations who gather on one frequency, with a common purpose. The net provides a structure and organization to allow an orderly flow of messages.
Net Control Station (NCS) - The station in charge of the net and directing the flow of messages and general communications.
Pass - to send messages from one station to another.
Pathogen - Any agent or organism that can cause disease.
Phonetic Alphabet - Standard words used on voice modes to make it easier to understand letters of the alphabet.
Placard - A sign or symbol designed to be hung on a container or vehicle containing warning information to convey the level of hazard.
Priority traffic - Emergency-related messages, but not as important as Emergency traffic.
Protocol - A set of established guidelines for actions under various specified conditions.
Pulse Storms - Single cell thunderstorms
Red Flag Warning - Weather conditions conducive to wildfire occurences.
Relay Station - Station responsible for passing messages between two stations on a net that cannot hear each other.
Resources - All personnel and major items of equipment available, or potentially available, for assignment to incident tasks on which status is maintained.
Richter Scale - An index of the seismic energy released by an earthquake (as contrasted to intensity that describes its effects at a
particular place) expressed in terms of the motion that would be measured by a specific type of seismograph located 100 km from
the epicentre of an earthquake.
Saffir-Simpson Scale - Provides an indication of hurricane strength based on wind speed - Catagories 1-5
Safecom - A communications program of the Department of Homeland Security.
Scud clouds - Are low detached clouds caught in the outflow beneath the thunderstorm.
Served Agency - The agency or organization to which you provide communications services. (ie; Red Cross, hospital, etc)
Severe Thunderstorm - A thunderstorm which produces tornadoes, hail 0.75 inches or more in diameter, or winds of 50 knots (58 mph) or more.
Shelter in Place - Protect people without evacuating by keeping them inside a building with windows and doors closed and external ventilation systems shut off until a hazardous situation has resolved.
SKYWARN - Trained, volunteer, severe weather observers, reporting observations to the NWS.
Staging Area - That location where incident personnel and equipment gather and are assigned.
Stat - Emergency - Do it now.
Strike Team - Specified combinations of the same kind and type of resources, with common communication and a leader.
Storm Surge - An abnormal rise of the sea along a shore as a result, primarily, of the high winds in a land falling storm.
Subsidence - Subsidence refers to the sinking of the ground due to groundwater removal, mining, dissolution of limestone (e.g. karst, sinkholes),
extraction of natural gas, and earthquakes.
Supercell - A thunderstorm with a persistent rotating updraft. Responsible for a percentage of severe weather events - especially tornadoes, extremely large hail and damaging straight-line winds.
Tactical (Informal) Messages - Brief verbal or informal written messages, intended for direct and immediate delivery.
Task Force - A combination of mixed resources, with common communication and a leader.
Terrorism - The unlawful use of force against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives.
Third Party Traffic - Messages transmitted on behalf of a person or organization other than a licensed Amateur Radio operator.
Also applies to when a person other than a licensed operator is allowed to use the microphone.
Time Zone - An area which observes a uniform standard time for legal, commercial and social purposes. Mainland USA is divided into, Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific.
Title 35 - contains the Pennsylvania emergency management service code
Topographical Map (Topo Map) - A map used for search (usually 1:24,000) which shows physical features of a region and allows a certified search manager to deploy resources accordingly.
Tornado - A violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm, in direct contact with the ground.
Toxic Materials - A type of chemical that can cause chemical harm at an incident scene. They produce harmful effects depending on the concentration of the materials and the length of exposure to them.
An individual can have chronic or acute exposures to toxic materials.
Traffic - Messages passed via radio communication. (spoken or digital), usually formal, written messages. More generally, any messages or activity on a particular frequency.
Triage - Sorting out the wounded at a major incident so that the most serious cases are treated first.
Tropical Depression -
A circulation at the surface in the tropics with a highest constant wind speed of 38 mph (33 knots) or less. A tropical depression is watched for possible development into a tropical storm.
Tropical Storm -A distinct circulation with a wind speed of 39 to 74 mph (34 to 63 knots). Tropical storms often develop further into hurricanes.
Tsunami - A series of waves (with long wavelengths when traveling across the deep ocean) that are generated by a displacement of
massive amounts of water through underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or landslides. Tsunami waves travel at very high speed
across the ocean but as they begin to reach shallow water they slow down and the wave grows steeper.
Unified Command - A method for all agencies or individuals who have jurisdictional responsibility at the incident, to contribute to determining overall objectives
for the incident and selection of a strategy to achieve the objectives.
Virga - An observable streak or shaft of precipitation that falls from a cloud but evaporates or sublimes before reaching the ground.
Volatile - Easily changes from a liquid to a vapor.
Vulnerability - Degree of loss (from 0% to 100%) resulting from a potential damaging phenomenon.
Wall Clouds - a large, localized, lowering of cloud that develops beneath the base of a cumulonimbus cloud and indicates the area of the strongest updraft within a storm. These areas sometimes form tornadoes.
Warning - The severe weather event is imminent or occurring in the warned area. Warnings are for relatively small geographic areas, such as single or small groups of adjacent counties.
Watch - Conditions are favorable for severe weather in or near the watch area. Watches are for relatively large geographic areas, such as portions of or multiple states.
NOTE: The time frames of "watchs" and "warnings" are weather event specific, i.e.: a tornado watch is a shorter period of time than a hurricane watch.
Water Spout - A tornado over a body of water (not a river).
ZULU - Time (usually military) - see UTC