Hello Again
Welcome to the new domain of the Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club
It has been a while since we had an active web site.
This is WM3PEN.ORG
Please bear with us as we repopulate the pages.
Special Information Holmesburg Net
As our monthly meetings are now on Wednesday
The weekly net has been moved to Thursday's at 8:00 P.M.
on the Holmesburg ARC repeater.
146.685 "-" offset, 146.2 PL
Please join us every week.
Our meetings are the third Wednesday of the month at 7:30.
We meet at the Philadelphia Protestant Home, on the second floor of the main building.
The room name is "The Learning Center".
Go straight from the elevator, room is on the right.
VE sessions still on hold. We should have an update shortly
Our meetings are open to all, everyone is welcome.
Old or new hams, and anyone interested in learning about amateur radio.
General meetings are for fun. We have informative topics, announcements of upcoming activities, and learn what members are doing.
Philadelphia Protestant Home, 6401 Martins Mill Road, Philadelphia, PA 19111, in the Main Building.
Enter the Protestant Home campus from the stop sign at Martins Mill and Tabor Ave., where you will see a guard house.
Tell the guard you are going to the radio club meeting, the main building is towards the right.
Original 13 Colonies Special Event
16th Year for 13 Colonies.
During Independence week
2025 Event Dates / July 1 (9AM EDT) to July 7 (Midnight EDT)
(July 1, 2025-1300 UTC to July 8, 2025-0400 UTC)
Operating details and QSL info are on our 13 Colonies page.
2024's theme was "Citizen Soldiers - State Militias - Minute Men".
Come and join us in this exciting celebration of Independence.
Each year's QSL card is different.
In keeping with the theme the WM3PEN qsl card will feature Ben Franklin.
Also WM3PEN will be working the amateur satellites by members of the Villanova University Amateur Radio Club.
Welcome To the Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club page.
Serving the community since 1978.
For all those that found us while looking for more information about amateur radio, here is a brief introduction;
Formed in 1978 the Holmesburg Amateur Radio Club has been known for its great repeater coverage of Philadelphia.
For those familiar with Philadelphia, they know that the City's founder William Penn overlooks the City from City Hall.
Now thanks to HARC, his "voice" is heard on the air when Club members are on the air with the Club Call - WM3PEN.
H.A.R.C. is a multi-faceted group of hams from all walks of life of any age. Members have a wide and varying interest in the hobby.
Our weekly net is held on the HARC repeater (146.685- pl 146.2) every Thursday evening at 8:00 PM.
We support Philadelphia ARES, and also Boy Scouting with a BSA Troop radio club under our wing.
We have a V.E. team.
HARC is an ARRL Special Services club. We provide communications support for a variety of public service events.
The Club had provided communications for the Mayfair / Holmesburg Thanksgiving parade for almost 20 years, as well as the 15 year run of the NEPYA October race/walk.
Over the years HARC has provided communications for various marathons, charity walks, bike races, parades,
the March of Dimes 2000 Walk America, and the 1980 Winter Olympic Torch Run.
Are you involved with any public events. Contact the club to see if we can assist.
Of course you can visit one of our meetings to ask questions or eMail us at wm3pen @ arrl . net. We'd be happy to assist you.
Stamps For The Wounded
The Holmesburg club has been participating in the "Stamps For The Wounded" program.
A service activity of Lions Clubs
This program helps thousands of patients through clubs and occupational therapy programs in veterans' hospitals and convalescent centers nationwide.
It was spawned at a Staten Island, N.Y., veterans' hospital in 1942 as a therapeutic activity for the veterans.
Stamps for the Wounded accepts any U.S. or foreign stamps that are not torn or damaged, as well as stamp collecting supplies and tools.
They have requested each stamp should have at least a quarter-inch margin around the stamp.
Do not try to either to peel or steam the stamp off the original envelope.
The response has been tremendous from hams and non-hams also. Beside our shipments we have be able to help other organizations set up their own program.
Thank you to all that have made donations. We have received many, from extra stamps included in QSL's sent to the club up to entire albums.
They are all very much appreciated.
This is a good way to put to use those stamps you receive on DX QSL's
Donations can be brought to any HARC meeting or contact Rich, K3UJ.
WM3PEN & K3UJ contact information on QRZ.com is correct.

Some media coverage
KYW interview
Awards and Group Affiliations page.
WM3PEN has been busy on the air, especially with the 13 Colonies Special Event.
We've managed to earn a few operating awards along the way.
We are also a member of Ten-Ten International and PODXS 070 Club, and SKCC.
Awards and Group Affiliations
Ten-Ten deals with 10M operating, PODXS 070 is for PSK31 mode and SKCC is Morse operation.
Getting close to either award, Bob, WA3PZO, has been appointed as an Awards Manager for the ARRL.
Bob will be able to check your QSL cards for either award and forward the application to ARRL Headquarters.
The advantage is that you will not have to send your QSL cards to ARRL.
Here are the instructions for WAS and VUCC.
Pennsylvania "67" Challenge
Worked All Counties Award
Have you worked all 67 counties in Pennsylvania? Have you tried?
When you do, here is the opportunity to earn an attractive award certificate for the wall of your shack.
Full details are available here.

"Moonbeam" Tribander for Field Day 2010